Ruler; Omen, Rightpaw; TBD, Leftpaw; TBD, Med; TBD Med App; TBD
♂ 01
♀ 00
✮ 01
Leader; TBD, Deputy; TBD, Medicine Cat; TBD, MCA; TBD
♂ 00
♀ 00
✮ 00
Starlight; TBD, Moonlight; TBD, Medicine Cat; TBD, MCA; TBD
♂ 00
♀ 00
✮ 00
King/Queen; TBD, Second Command; TBD, Healer; TBD, HA; TBD
♂ 00
♀ 00
✮ 00
Rogue, Loner, Kittypet
♂ 00
♀ 00
✮ 00
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In the very back of the graveyard there is a massive hole in the ground. It's easy for cats to climb in and out of, though often turns to mud when it rains, and snow piles at the entry. Cats dig their own nests in the soil.
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